With belief in unlimited potential of people and based on the conviction that the source of a company’s competitiveness is its people and that the cumulative growth of each individual is the foundation of a company’s growth, People-Centered Management is a line of thinking which draws out the enthusiasm and understanding of the people who work in an organization to strengthen and raise the capabilities of the organization by having all members further refine their own individuality, achieve growth, and fully demonstrate their full potential.
This capitalizing on the diversity in the individualities and abilities possessed by each and every member as the strength of the organization is precisely the definition of diversity management.
As long as management is a human activity, a company cannot be managed unless priority is placed on how to enhance the enthusiasm and understanding of people who work there. People-Centered Management is the tacit knowledge that our Group has nurtured since our foundation in making serious efforts to this.
Every business activity including strategy execution, various reforms, R&D, production, and sales is carried out by people who work in the company. Business management depends on the potential and individualities of the people who take action as well as the awareness with which they act. At the same time, people rejoice when they are happy, cry when they are sad, trust people at times, and distrust them at other times. While upholding enthusiasm and ambition to grow and succeed, people sometime fear failure and flinch at taking on a challenge in a new realm. These feelings and emotions are common to all people, regardless of nationality, race, or gender and transcend differences in culture, customs, and history.
If success of all corporate activities depends on such people, by believing in the potential of people that work there and drawing out enthusiasm and understanding to the fullest through work, people demonstrate their full individualities and capabilities and achieve growth. This should improve the quality of business activities and be the locomotive for the vitality of an organization as well as the growth and development of a company.
This is why Daikin’s manager have taken every chance to say, “One of the most important roles of management is to establish a worksite in which employees who were drawn together to join Daikin can feel the greatest, if not the only, fulfillment in life and an environment in which they can work with a vitality and a sense of purpose and demonstrate their full potential to achieve growth.” This is the line of thinking that serves as the foundation of People-Centered Management.
There is not a company in the world that does not place importance on people. By making efforts to this end with actual intent, we would like to make People-Centered Management one of the sources of competitive advantages of the Daikin Group.